entrepreneurship through acquisition

We have built companies from scratch and purchased large companies and taken them to the next level. But our practice of entrepreneurship through acquisition is where we excel.


Our Mission

Provide flexible solutions to enable like-minded business owners to transition

the businesses they have built

to people they trust

in a way that honors their legacy.

It is not necessary to do extraordinary things to get extraordinary results.
— Warren Buffett, Berkshire Hathaway

What We've Achieved

our expensive education

  • Acquired companies owned by families, institutional investors and ESOPs
  • Invested over $1.5 billion in acquisitions of various manufacturing companies
  • Turned a $10,000 investment into a $6.5 million company in thirty-six months
  • Completed 20+ deals in thirty months
  • Purchased $1 million in inventory, and operationalized it into a successful business
  • Laid off 30+ workers at one time
  • Invested $0.5 million in a good concept gone bad when leadership spent $1.6 million on investor money in six months
  • Purchased a food processing company for $40 million that lost significant money, and then sold it for $10 million several years later